
Name: Alexander Caserta. Born 1951 Providence, Rhode Island. USA

Additional Citizenship: Italy

Artistic Discipline: Oil Painting, drawings, photography, documentary projects.

Best Known For: Cityscapes, landscapes, still photography, documentaries.

Subjects: Representational images from Italy and New England.


Notable exhibitions

 2003 May             Northwest Folklife Festival. Seattle Center, WA USA

1980 - July-Oct.    Department of State - Diplomatic Lobby, Washington, DC USA

1961 – June           International Sculpture Conference. Benson Gallery,

                               Rhode Island School of Design Providence, RI USA

!995-1996              Newport Art Museum, Newport, RI USA



 2024                      Library of Congress and GBH American Archives of Public Broadcasting, Boston, MA US

2000-2024             Rhode Island Historical Society Archives. Providence, RI USA

2000                      Library of Congress. American Folklife Center, Local Legacies Project. Collection of photographs in                                                     American Folklife Center archives. Washington, DC USA

1980-1984             Department of State--Washington, DC.  Art in the Embassies Program USA


International Exhibition of photographs in American Embassies abroad.

1981-1982             U.S. Mission--Geneva, Switzerland.

1982-1985            American Embassy--Bangkok, Thailand.

1982-1984            American Embassy--Georgetown, Guyana-South America.

1982-1985            American Embassy--Niamey, Niger-Africa.

2024                    Library of Congress and GBH Boston. American Archives of Public Broadcasting.



 1978                    National Endowment for the Arts. Chairman’s Office. Washington, DC USA


Artistic Practice

 As an artist, photographer, and documentarian I has lived most of my life in the small historic state of Rhode Island. I have been active in my work since the mid nineteen seventies. My paintings and photographs taken in the USA and abroad work with light, expressing a direct eloquent realism, and a sensitivity to observe and capture “A Sense of Place” with subjects. The element of historical character is present in the subjects I select. My attention is focused on the color, light, shadow, shapes, and lines that enhance the image. As a viewer, I am alone and absorbed into the subject. The transformation from photography to painting invites the viewer to focus intently on the formal elements in the landscapes and buildings creating an emotional connection and response that is both meditative and grounding. A series of my paintings were made from 2015 to 2022 using images I made in Italy. The paintings represent the vernacular structures and aging of the buildings.

My teaching practice extended over thirty eight years in painting and drawing. This included twenty nine years teaching custom black and white printing in a darkroom and four years in a computer lab using a digital format in photography.

From 2020 to 2023 a series of drawings were made using photographic images from ancient churches in Italy. Working with patterns from designs in mosaics, and plaster drawings were made breaking the from and substance free. Using oil paint, conte’ crayon, and pastels a transformation of layers and intensity of colors is created along with a push and pull interaction. The work reflects a relationship between antiquity and contemporary designs.

My documentary work as a photographer began in the 1970’s.

I produced and hosted forty- seven films aired on Rhode Island PBS and Connecticut Public Television. The films and photographs are a documentary series on the food and fishing industries in the State of Rhode Island and Connecticut. They provide educational information to the public and support the idea of buying local, the food to table movement, supporting local farmers. The last series of films were on Climate Change and farming.

  My recent direction beginning in 2024 is working with landscapes in New England. This new direction will continue working with an emphasis on color and atmosphere.

Social Media

 YouTube: Documentary films.

GBH American Archives of Public Television Documentary films.

The films can be viewed on American Archives of Public Broadcasting Reading Room, this website and Rhode Island PBS Passport.
